- Graduate student costs of attendance can be found on the Homewood Financial Aid website.
- WSE PhD students are fully funded (tuition, health insurance and stipend) for the duration of their PhD program while they are in a full-time, resident status. The stipend minimum is equivalent to 12 months at $37,600. Admission offer letters cite specifics for each student and program.
- WSE PhD students who have defended but not yet submitted their dissertation (in other words, have not yet fully completed their degree requirements) should remain fully funded if they are in a full-time, resident status and are currently enrolled. If a fulltime, resident PhD student has just started employment/is at an external internship, etc. outside the university before the submission of the dissertation and the amount of income is equivalent to or is above the PhD stipend , the program may petition the dean’s office to modify/eliminate the student’s stipend in that very specific period. Generally, a student has typically completed their degree requirements when they receive the final approval email from the ETD system after dissertation submission. Please consult with the WSE Dean’s Office (Christine Kavanagh) with any questions.
- WSE Fellowships and Financial Aid information are listed separately.
- Students who switch to nonresident or part-time status are generally responsible for their own fees (including health insurance) and tuition and may not receive a stipend. Exceptions may exist in specific programs- students are encouraged to double check with their department academic staff for more information.
- There may be extra charges for taking classes in either the intersession or in summer. It may not be covered by your departmental aid. Check with the Office of Student Accounts and your department academic staff before registering.
- The University does not provide housing or any housing/parking/commuting subsidy for graduate students.
- The 12-month estimated cost is important for incoming international graduate students (note that for the purposes of the I-20, there may be additional costs assigned for each dependent of an international student).
- WSE graduate student health insurance fee information