Students who receive Federal Student Financial Aid must, in accordance with federal, state, and institutional requirements, be in good standing and maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward obtaining their degree or certificate.

Under Federal Title IV law, a University’s SAP requirements must meet certain minimum requirements, and be at least as strict as the University’s standards for good academic standing.

For full-time graduate students, this policy applies to students applying for financial aid for semesters/periods of enrollment that begin with the summer 2013 semester. For part-time graduate students, this policy applies to students applying for financial aid for semesters/periods of enrollment that begin with the Fall 2012 semester.

Federal Standards

The federal government requires an institution to use three measurements to determine SAP: qualitative, quantitative (pace), and maximum timeframe. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (or equivalent measure), maintain a minimum cumulative completion rate of courses attempted, and complete a degree or certificate within the University’s maximum timeframe. The standards used to evaluate academic progress are cumulative and, therefore must include all periods of the enrollment (even periods during which the student did not receive financial aid). The JHU School of Arts and Sciences & Engineering graduate students must demonstrate satisfactory academic progress toward their academic objectives, as measured by these three standards.

Minimum Cumulative Grade-Point Average (Qualitative Measure)

The Office of Student Financial Services converts letter grades into their numeric equivalents, calculates a GPA, and considers students to have the equivalent of a B average if their calculated cumulative GPA is a greater than or equal to a 3.0. Only grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, I/F, FN, FPF and U are factored into the GPA calculation. All other grades will be ignored from the qualitative measure. Grades of C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, I/F, FN and U are considered unsatisfactory grades. A student may earn no more than 3 unsatisfactory grades in their program.

Minimum Cumulative Completion Rate (Quantitative Measure)

Minimum cumulative completion rate/pace of 67%, defined as total number of completed course units divided by total number of attempted course units. Financial aid recipients must maintain a cumulative completion rate of completed courses equal to or exceeding 67% of the courses attempted. All grades (except for audited course work) will be included in the measure of pace, including W and I grades.

The completion percentage will be rounded to the nearest whole percentage using standard rounding rules (e.g., 66.5% will be rounded to 67%). All courses in which a student is enrolled as of the 1st day of the term/session are considered attempted credits. Classes dropped/withdrawn after the first day the term/session begins are considered attempted. This policy is separate from the add/drop registration policy for tuition refunds.”

Maximum Time Frame to Completion of Degree or Certificate

Master’s students must complete their degree within 5 years of matriculation, and Doctoral students must complete their degree within 12 years of matriculation. Periods of non-enrollment (e.g. LOA) are excluded.

Treatment of Grades

Type of GradeIncluded in Qualitative Measure?Included in Quantitative Measure (PACE)?
A, B, C, D, F, FN, FPF, I/F, UYesYes
All others, including I and WNoYes

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